Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!!!!

Wow!  A year over and a new one beginning.  It has all gone by so fast.  A lot has happened this last year for my little family.

The first part of the year I moved not only locations but went from night shift to day shift at my work place.  This was a huge relief to both me and my boys.  This meant that I could work while they were in school. What a blessing. Several things happened in my personal life as well.  One of the most important was the new friendship and support I received from my ex-husbands sister.  YEP!  You read that right.  His sister is one of my biggest supporters and sources of strength when I am feeling down.  I love you Rachael.  In February I bought a ring with three stones to replace my wedding band.  The three stones are from left to right: Alex Me Brian.  This was a way of symbolizing my commitment and devotion to both my boys and my self.  Many times I have looked at that ring when all I wanted to do was give up.

The middle of the year was also full of many things for our little family.  In May we went to the airshow with my Dad and Sister and their families.  It was amazing to be back there again.  It was always such a highlight growing up.  My boys enjoyed it and we all slept well that night.   In June I turned 29 (the age I plan on staying).  It was a small affair with cake and some really good friends singing.  Alex started 1st grade at the end of the summer and I was once again reminded at how fast time flies.

The last few months of the year have been, perhaps, the most life altering.  I found a new place to start over and have been working hard to start new routines.  I now have a seven and a five year old.  Time truly is flying by.  Also at the end of the year my boys and I went to the Army-Navy game at a friends house.  Once again this is a tradition that I abandoned when I was married.  It was so nice to be a part of it again.  It felt like coming home in a way. 

All in all my family had a good year.  We have had many many bumps in the road, but we are happy and healthy.  I know 2013 is going to be amazing for us.  I wish everyone a very blessed New Year and remember to stay safe tonight.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas snow and Squishy Baff...

It's been awhile since my last post.  Things have been hectic as always. Christmas was a huge hit.  Santa left his gifts at Ms. P's house.  The boys got a lot of crafts and games.  They also got legos and kinex.  Fun times.  They have been doing really well playing without fighting and putting all their toys away. 

Then of course there is the snow.  In my line of work snow can mean I am stuck for days.  Luckily I have been lucky so far.  Christmas eve it took me almost an hour to get home, but I made it.  The boys weren't home so I was in no rush.  I spent the evening listening to it snow and folding laundry.

Brian's birthday is today.  UGH....I so cannot believe he is five.  Where has the time gone?  One of his gifts was something called Squishy Baff.   Powder that turns the water into goop.  Fun stuff.  Except it is lumpy water and the lumps go everywhere.  They had a blast, but this mom is certainly happy they there are only two baths worth of powder.  Haha.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Laundry, crafts, and shopping...

Sunday is a busy day in this house.  It is the day that I catch up on everything that I have slacked off on through out the week.  Which, patting my back here, isn't really that much. 

Laundry I think is the hardest thing for me.  Most likely because I do it everyday at work as well.  I HATE folding clothes.  It is probably the most disliked chore in this house.  Yes, I would rather clean the toilet.  Along with laundry we did dishes, swept, cleaned the bathrooms, and made menus for the rest of the week.

Then, then we hit the grocery store.  I find that if I give both kids their own list grocery shopping isn't that bad.  Alex can have a list with words on it and Brian I usually make a list with pictures.  Problem today was it was a spur of the moment trip.  That being said there were only a couple of meltdowns when mommy said, "No, no you cannot have that dessert full of sugar that will make you hyper beyond belief meaning that I will have to yell and be the mean mommy no one likes." 

We also did crafts today.  Trying to keep the boys busy and make some really good memories is awesome.  I had to smile listening to them make their little foam creatures.  Alex kept telling Brian to not get frustrated. He would say, "It doesn't have to be perfect as long as you are having fun."  Then he would proceed to explain to Brian that he uses the foam pieces at school too.  It was way too cute.

All in all it was a good day.  Tomorrow is Monday and another work week. 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

What a day....

Today was packed.  The boys and I headed over to help Lady P get ready for a Christmas party.  Let me just tell you we had enough food to feed an army.  Two deep fried turkeys, spiral ham, Mac and Cheese, Lil' smokies, Lasagna, meatballs, four different dips, veggies, fruit, shrimp, potato salad, deviled eggs, fruit pizza, nut cups, peanut butter balls (peanut butter bon bon's to us southern folk haha).  I am sure I am missing a lot of stuff, but you get the picture. 

The boys did well while I was helping to prepare the party.  They mostly watched Netflix and relaxed.  Alex fell asleep before the party started and woke up to a house full of people.  Poor guy.  he doesn't do well with loud atmospheres or people.  I am happy to say that we didn't have any melt downs.  He stayed to himself most of the party, but did socialize a bit.  I am so proud of him.  A year ago he would have been in a corner or climbing up my leg screaming, wringing is hands, and rocking.  He truly is growing up. Brian was smiles as always.  He was shy, but spoke selectively to some people.  He to is growing up. 

The party was a ton of fun.  It was nice to visit with everyone and to participate in the thieves Christmas.  While it was a lot of fun this single mom is TIRED.  Haha.  Tomorrow I will make a nice brunch with my boys and then clean house and relax in preparation for the work week.  The weekends just aren't long enough.

Until next post...peace and be blessed.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Hug them tight....

The events of today have broken my heart.  I cannot even begin to imagine one of my children being killed in a place that symbolizes growth and learning.  When I heard of this news I began crying and wanted with everything that was in me to drive to my sons school and pick him up.  I didn't.  Mostly because I knew that he had no idea what was going on and I didn't want to scare him.  I hug my children everyday, but today I can't seem to stop hugging them.  My oldest asked me if something was wrong.  Of course not I said, hoping my voice wasn't saying otherwise.  His response....then can I go play now and stop hugging you.  Haha I love boys. 

Please, please, please remember that we are NOT guaranteed life.  Do those crafts you have been putting off because of the mess it will make.  Put batteries in that toy they love, but you can't stand the sound of.  Do silly things.  Sing silly songs.  Most importantly hug them, kiss them, and say I love you. 

My thoughts are with everyone.  I hope you can find peace and remember your children as happy smiling goofy kids.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

So it begins....

a new blog.

I have been through a lot the last few months. The last year really.  I found out that my husband was cheating AGAIN, cried, fell into a deep depression, recovered, decided we were over, wondered if I made the right decision, almost went back, didn't go back and found my independence....

This blog celebrates that independence!!!!  It celebrates the independence, the struggles, the wonderful memories, and the not so nice memories.  All of these things will make my family of 3 stronger and closer than ever before.

I can't wait to share my life with you.  Good and bad alike.  Stories about my children, my job, my struggles, and my triumphs. 

Happy reading